Reverse Osmosis

  Reverse Osmosis, also known as Ultra-Filtration, represents state-of-the-art technology in water treatment. Reverse Osmosis (RO) was developed in the late 1950's under U.S. Government funding, as a method of desalinating sea water. Today, reverse osmosis has earned its name as the most convenient and thorough method to filter water. It is used by most water bottling plants, and by many industries that require ultra-refined water in manufacturing.

This advanced technology is also available to homes and offices for drinking water filtration.


  Reverse Osmosis Reverse Osmosis     Reverse Osmosis     Reverse Osmosis


The use of reverse osmosis technologies to create high quality ingredient water has many advantages; some of which are as follows:

  • Very high rejection rates over a wide range of impurities
  • Cost effective means of producing high purity water
  • Friendly to the environment
  • Does not use or produce and harmful chemicals
  • Requires no electricity to operate (unless system incorporates a booster pump)
  • Requires minimal maintenance


Although reverse osmosis is an excellent choice when looking for high quality drinking water, it does have a few drawbacks that should be considered:

  • Uses water to make purified water (as little as 10-20% is returned as purified water)
  • RO membranes can become fouled in certain water conditions so the use of pre-filters may be required.
  • Limited flow rates (gallons per day) make a great choice for drinking water however other parts of your water system may still require treatment solutions.

Contaminant Removal

Reverse osmosis is an extremely effective technology in removing contaminants from your drinking water. The following chart outlines some of RO's capabilities regarding specific contaminants:

Ammonium95-99%Copper Sulfate>99%Magnesium95-99%Silver95-99%
Arsenic +395-99%Cryptosporidium100%Magnesium Chloride95-99%Sodium95-99%
Arsenic +395-99%Cysts100%Mercury95-99%Sodium Chloride99%
Barium95-99%DDT>99.9%Nickel95-99%Sodium Flouride99%
Bicarbonate99%E. coli>99.9%Nickel Sulfate>99%Sodium Nitrate97-99%
Cadmium95-99%Ferro Cyanide96-99%Nitrate 390-99%Sucrose99%
Calcium Chloride99%Glucose98%Phosphate95-99%Toluene>99.9%
Chlorinated Pesticides99.9%Lactic Acid99%Radioactivity95-99%